11 books that will make you a better developer

11 books that will make you a better developer

Software engineering is a competitive and fast-paced market. Considering new languages, frameworks, design patterns, tools and functions, being up to date is essential for those who are starting or already working in the information technology area and seek to become a better developer.

There is a lot of content in videos and you can consume them to gain a more instant knowledge. Technical articles can be an excellent resource for learning and are similar to books as they give you more time to do your research on the subject rather than providing a solution.

In order to have a solid base and go deeper into specific themes, books are excellent sources of knowledge for you to develop code and applications.

We have listed some books that will make you a better developer. Check the list below:


Clean Code by Robert C. Martin

“Clean Code” covers the techniques and tools that are essential for software development. This book will teach you how to write clean code and how to develop the mindset of a professional programmer. Contains practical programming advice, from coding to code refactoring and testing.

Clean Architecture: A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design by Robert C. Martin

You are certainly thinking that this book is must-read for anyone who wants to become a software architect, and you are correct. However, if you write codes, then you are responsible for the code you write, therefore, this book is for you to become a better developer as well.

Clean Architecture promotes the implementation of systems that favor code reuse, cohesion, technology independence and testability, using techniques such as object-oriented programming, design principles (SOLID), cohesion and component coupling, for instance.

It is the developer/architect’s duty to uphold good engineering, good principles and quality standards for codes.

entendendo algoritmos_blogdalyncas

Grokking Algorithms: An illustrated guide for programmers and other curious people by Aditya Bhargava

In a simple and illustrative way, this work presents, in detail, diagrams and complete Python codes, a series of searches, sorting and graphic algorithms to exemplify Python codes. There are over 400 illustrations with detailed descriptions for easy reading, whether you are an experienced programmer or a beginner.

Becoming a Better Programmer by Pete Goodliffe

Showing no biased ideas about any language or market, Pete Goodliffe presents techniques and practices for keeping it simple in coding, composing, testing, debugging, and even dealing with business and/or code complexity. Besides, the book will bring healthy habits for you to work well in a team.

Domain Driver Designer by Eric Evans

Domain Driven Design or DDD, combines design and development practices. It offers strategic and tactical modeling tools to deliver high quality software. The objective here is to accelerate the development of software that deal with complex business processes, it is not about any technology or methodology; it can be used regardless of programming language.

The Passionate Programmer: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development by Chad Fowler O Programador Apaixonado_Blogdalyncas

In a way that is simply put and yet very detailed, Chad Fowler shares precious information about how a developer should direct their career. He raises questions such as: which technologies should professionals invest their time and money in? To be a generalist or a specialist?

As a person who has had to make these and so many other decisions, em “The Passionate Programmer”, Fowler shows how a beginner can become a better developer through day-to-day small actions.

Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler

Refactoring is to improve an existing code, which means, it is required discipline, caution and all in small portions, in order not to include new bugs in the existing system.

On Refactoring, Fowler makes it clear that refactoring must be done continuously, in short processes, undetermined time. In this book, you will learn how to identify the correct moments to refactor a code.

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gama padrões de projetos_blogdalyncas

Technical reading for those who are looking to learn how to better organize the codes they write through explanations of the design patterns created by the GoF (Gang of Four). Developer will find fine description of various patterns that solve several problems in software development.

A book that must not be left out of your library, so you can have it on hands whenever you need to research and/or review the contents covered in this book.

Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time by Jeff Sutherland

A book that should be read regardless of your position or role, however, when it comes to the area of technology, knowing agile methodologies is essential to perform your profession.

In this work, Jeff Sutherland, co-creator of the method, clearly explains the reasons that led him to come up with SCRUM, teaches how to apply it and also exemplifies with successful cases, showing how the company gains when it structures teams, narrows communication and aligns expectations.

Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days by Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz sprint_blogdalyncas

The authors of the method, Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz explain in a clear, practical and exemplified way how to identify specific problems of products or services, find viable solutions, plan and develop prototypes, test with real customers and get valid feedback.

In this work, you will find several tools, checklists and real examples, also the authors explain the step by step, always justifying the reason of why you should follow the way presented.

“Sprint” is like that family recipe you got from your aunt, just follow the steps that will reach the proposed goal.

Measure What Matters by John Doerr

What do Google, Gates Foundation and Bono Vox have in common?

All of them, at some point, used OKR’s to achieve the established goals.

In “Measure What Matters”, Doerr presents how OKR’s (Objectives and Key Results) transformed and guided these companies to achieve exponential and viable growth.

You will learn about a methodology for evaluating and measuring the achievement of goals through several success stories reported in the book.

Every professional needs to delve deeper into the topics relevant to their work, and these are some literature available for you to read about programming and agile methodologies in order to become a better developer. Undoubtedly, there are hundreds of more specific and technical other materials that you can read. Good reading!


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