Staff Augmentation: what it is and what are the advantages

Staff Augmentation: aumentando eficiência e produtividade em equipes de desenvolvimento

The TI Inside news portal announces that token transactions are growing 200% in Brazil. Meanwhile, O Globo states that companies’ interest in industrial automation with AI is growing. For Visa, technology is a great ally for Brazilian commerce by increasing the approval of transactions and reducing fraud attempts. On the other hand, the industry has realized that Artificial Intelligence has the potential to optimize processes, improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase quality in industrial production.

To meet the need for qualified labor and to meet innovation projects in companies, Staff Augmentation, one of the most significant trends within development teams on a global scale, has been gaining ground in the market.

As demands for complex projects and advanced technological solutions continue to grow, IT companies are faced with the challenge of balancing quality delivery with resource optimization. Do you identify with this scenario?

It is in this context that Staff Augmentation stands out as an intelligent and tailored strategy.

In this article, we’ll explore in detail how Staff Augmentation is shaping the way IT companies operate, enabling them to leverage specialized talent on an interim basis, tackle challenging projects, and maintain the agility needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving technology environment.

If you are interested in discovering how this approach can boost your IT team, follow the content!

What is Staff Augmentation?

Staff Augmentation, or “team augmentation” in literal translation, is a business model in which a company hires temporary or short-term professionals to complement its existing internal team on specific projects. These temporary professionals are known as “augmentees” or “augmented staff”.

The idea behind Staff Augmentation is that instead of hiring full-time employees to fill all of a company’s needs, an organization can turn to external resources on demand to fulfill specific project requirements. This can be especially useful in situations where the company faces temporary demand spikes, needs specialized technical skills that are not available internally, or simply wants to avoid the cost and commitment associated with hiring permanent employees.

Professionals hired through the Staff Augmentation model can be specialists in areas such as software development, design, data analysis, digital marketing, human resources, among others. They are generally employed for a defined period or until the completion of a specific project, offering flexibility for both the company and the professionals hired.

How does Staff Augmentation work?

The Staff Augmentation model operates by temporarily adding external professionals to a company’s internal team.

This process begins with identifying specific needs. The company identifies the need for additional resources for a specific project. This could be due to a sudden increase in workload, a skills gap in internal staff, or a short-term project that requires specialized expertise.

Based on these needs, the company defines specific project requirements, including the necessary skills, hiring period, and project objectives. This helps determine what type of outside professionals are needed.

From there, she hires a company that provides Staff Augmentation services to find the right professional (or professionals) for her needs.

Once selected, external professionals are integrated into the internal team. They participate in project meetings, collaborate with the internal team, and contribute their specific skills and knowledge.

In this way, they work in close collaboration to execute the project according to the established requirements, contributing to a successful delivery.

Once the project is completed or the agreed engagement period expires, external professionals end their collaboration. Depending on the circumstances, there may be the possibility of extending the contract or hiring the same professionals again for future projects.


What are Staff Augmentation advantages?

vantagens da Staff Augmentation


Staff Augmentation offers a strategic approach to human resources management, allowing companies the flexibility they need to face challenges and seize opportunities, without the long-term commitments of permanent hiring.

This results in a more agile, efficient and adaptable operation to market changes.

See some of the advantages:

Flexibility and scalability

One of the main advantages of Staff Augmentation is the ability to quickly size the team according to the needs of the project. Whether to meet a sudden increase in demand or to fill a specific skills gap, the Augmentation team can be adjusted quickly and efficiently. This avoids unnecessary hiring or idle resources during periods of low activity.

Access to  specialized abilities 

In a highly specialized job market, it can be challenging to find professionals with specific knowledge for specific projects. Staff Augmentation allows companies to access a wide range of skills and experience, bringing in experts to address specific tasks. This helps to increase the quality and efficiency of projects.

Cost Savings

Compared to hiring a full-time employee, Staff Augmentation can be more cost-effective. Expenses associated with permanent hiring, such as benefits, training, and office space, can be reduced. Furthermore, the company avoids additional costs in situations of idleness or short-term projects.

Speed in project execution

Hiring experienced and qualified external professionals eliminates the need for extensive training, which speeds up the start of the project. This is especially valuable on projects that have strict deadlines.

Diversity of perspectives

Staff Augmentation brings professionals from different backgrounds and experiences to the team, which can bring new perspectives and approaches to projects. Diversity of ideas can lead to more creative and innovative solutions.

Reducing risks and commitments

Permanent hiring involves a longer-lasting commitment, while Staff Augmentation offers greater flexibility. This is especially valuable when projects are of uncertain duration or when market demand is volatile. Furthermore, in the event of project termination, there are no ongoing obligations to external professionals.

Focus on core business

By delegating specific tasks to external professionals, the internal team can focus on the core business activities, increasing the efficiency and quality of the products or services offered.

Simplified management

The company that adopts Staff Augmentation does not need to worry about administrative issues such as payroll, benefits and other charges associated with traditional hiring. This simplifies management and allows the company to focus on core activities.


When to hire Staff Augmentation?

Staff Augmentation is a strategy that can be useful in a variety of situations, especially when you need additional resources on a temporary basis or when you want access to specific skills without the commitment of permanent hiring.

The decision to hire Staff Augmentation should be based on the specific needs and objectives of your company and the projects in progress. See some moments when this can be a good strategy

Temporary demand peaks

If your company faces seasonal or occasional demand spikes where you need additional resources, Staff Augmentation can be an effective solution. This allows you to grow your team during these times without the need for permanent hires.

Example: An e-commerce company faces high demand during the holiday season. Hiring temporary staff through Staff Augmentation helps you handle increased orders without permanently increasing staff.

Lack of specific skills

If you are working on a project that requires technical or specialized skills that your in-house team does not have, Staff Augmentation can provide access to professionals with the experience needed for the project.

Example: A software development company is working on a project that requires knowledge in artificial intelligence (AI). She can hire an AI specialist through Staff Augmentation to complement her existing team.

Tight deadlines

If you’re dealing with tight deadlines on a project and need more hands to meet goals, Staff Augmentation can help speed up the process.

A software startup wins a contract to develop a mobile app on short notice. They opt for Staff Augmentation to add experienced mobile developers to the team and deliver the project on time.

Testing new functions

Before deciding to hire permanently for a specific role, Staff Augmentation can be used to test how that role fits into your team dynamics and company culture.

An e-commerce company is considering implementing an artificial intelligence solution to improve the customer experience. Before making permanent hires, they hire an AI expert through Staff Augmentation to assess feasibility and potential impact.

Long-term cost reduction

Hiring permanent employees involves significant costs, such as salaries, benefits and training. Staff Augmentation allows you to avoid these long-term costs and commitments by opting for temporary hires as needed.

IT Example: A software development company needs to perform a major update to its system, but does not anticipate an ongoing need after completion. They hire temporary experts through Staff Augmentation to complete the project without committing long-term resources.


If your company wants to be more agile and flexible in relation to its team, Staff Augmentation allows you to adjust the team according to the needs of the project and the market.

IT Example: An IT consulting firm is hired for multiple projects, each requiring different skill sets, such as web development and database administration. They use Staff Augmentation to adjust the team according to the specific needs of each project.

Time saving

Hiring permanent staff can be a time-consuming process, from selection to training. Staff Augmentation can quickly deliver resources, saving you time and allowing you to start working on projects faster.

IT example: A logistics company needs to develop a personalized management system. Instead of going through a prolonged hiring process, they hire temporary expert developers through Staff Augmentation to start the project right away.


How to be successful with Staff Augmentation?

sucesso com o Staff Augmentation


Success in Staff Augmentation depends on effective collaboration between your internal team and temporary professionals. Therefore, it is important to maintain open communication, be willing to adapt as necessary, and be aware of the project’s changing needs.

Check out some tips!

Setting clear objectives

Before hiring Staff Augmentation professionals, accurately define the project objectives, skill requirements, and roles that need to be filled. This will help you find the right candidates who fit the project needs.

Effective communication

Communicate clearly and openly with Staff Augmentation professionals about project expectations, goals, and deadlines.

Additionally, maintain open and transparent communication channels with temporary professionals. Share important information about the project, such as goals, deadlines and challenges. This avoids misunderstandings and helps the team work harmoniously and in an aligned manner.

Choosing Staff Augmentation partners

Research and select Staff Augmentation partners or vendors based on their reputation, track record, and compatibility with your needs. Check references and talk about your expectations before closing a deal.

By selecting a reputable company with a solid reputation and proven experience in the field of Information Technology, such as Lyncas, you will be better positioned to take advantage of the benefits of Staff Augmentation and achieve success in your IT projects.

Cultural alignment

Make sure temps fit into your company culture and team dynamics. This is essential for successful collaboration and maintaining a harmonious work environment.

Project management

Maintain an efficient project management system to track progress, set milestones, and ensure Staff Augmentation professionals are working productively.

Proper integration

Integrate temporary professionals into the internal team, providing access to the tools, systems and information necessary to carry out their tasks effectively.

Definition of responsibilities

Clearly establish responsibilities and expectations for Staff Augmentation professionals so everyone knows exactly what is expected of them.

Continuous feedback

Provide regular feedback to temps so they can adjust their work as needed. This also helps ensure they are aligned with the project objectives.

Performance evaluation

Evaluate the performance of Staff Augmentation professionals as the project progresses. This helps ensure they are meeting expectations and contributing to the success of the project.

Transitions planning

If the project is coming to an end or the need for Staff Augmentation is decreasing, plan transitions in advance to ensure a smooth exit of temporary staff.

Making the most of learning

Experience with Staff Augmentation can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of this model for your company. Use this information to adjust your future strategies.



Differences between Staff Augmentation e Outsourcing

The fundamental difference between Staff Augmentation and IT Outsourcing lies in the extent of control and responsibility of the contracting company over project activities and management.

In Staff Augmentation, the company hires temporary professionals to complement its internal team, maintaining direct control over the project and tasks. Professionals act as an extension of the internal team, bringing specific skills without the need to completely outsource the project.

On the other hand, in Outsourcing, the company outsources a complete project or function to an external provider. In this scenario, the contracted company assumes full responsibility for the execution and management of the project, from planning to final delivery. This involves transferring control over the activities to the external provider, which operates independently from the contracting the activities to the external provider, which operates independently from the contracting company.

Therefore, the central difference is in the relationship of control and responsibility: in Staff Augmentation, the contracting company maintains direct control and supervision over the project, while in Outsourcing, the contracted company assumes full responsibility for execution and delivery. Choosing between these models depends on the company’s needs, project objectives, and preference in terms of control and involvement.

Staff Augmentation as a trend

In conclusion, Staff Augmentation emerges as an agile and effective strategy for companies seeking to meet changing demands, acquire specialized skills and maintain operational flexibility.

By opting for Staff Augmentation, companies can enjoy the advantages of having qualified temporary professionals who complement the internal team, without committing to the costs and obligations associated with full-time hiring.

The approach provides the ability to address spikes in demand, fill skills gaps, explore new initiatives while maintaining direct control over activities and project management. However, to be successful with Staff Augmentation, clear communication, effective integration of temporary professionals into the internal team, definition of precise responsibilities and continuous performance evaluation are crucial.

By understanding the dynamics of Staff Augmentation and applying it strategically, companies can optimize resources, accelerate project delivery and adapt quickly to market changes.


Lyncas as your partner

If you are looking for a strategic solution to optimize your development teams and increase your efficiency in the Information Technology market, Lyncas is the ideal partner to boost the success of your business. With a solid reputation and extensive experience in providing highly qualified IT professionals, Lyncas is an example of excellence in outsourcing IT professionals.

Our specialized professionals, who are rigorously selected to meet your specific needs, can integrate seamlessly into your existing team, ensuring perfect alignment with your company culture. Whether tackling demand spikes, filling skills gaps or embracing challenging projects, Lyncas provides a flexible and effective approach to meeting your goals.

When you choose Lyncas as your Staff Augmentation partner, you not only gain access to a highly skilled team, but you also take advantage of our commitment to providing transparent communication, productive collaboration, and exceptional results.

Don’t wait any longer to take the next step towards a more flexible, efficient and strategic approach to growing your development team. Contact us to find out how Lyncas can be the key missing piece to the success of your IT projects. Together, we can turn your goals into reality.


Thiago Klein

Thiago Klein

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