7 fundamental skills and competencies for managers

7 habilidades e competências fundamentais ao gestor

Being a manager goes beyond just having a prominent and leadership position. It’s about being a true maestro, capable of harmonizing a team, extracting the best from each member and leading everyone towards success and results. And to do this, it is necessary to know and continually improve the skills and competencies necessary to face the challenges that arise on a daily basis.

Many people already naturally possess the “spirit of a leader”. They are proactive, delegate tasks and promote team motivation and are confident and confident in decision-making.

But if you don’t have this in your personality, don’t think you can’t be a great manager. Everyone can develop the skills necessary to be great leaders and have a continuous improvement process.

We are here to help you discover what are the fundamental skills and competencies for a manager. Check out the text for 7 essential skills that will boost your career and make you shine in leadership!

What does it mean to be a successful manager?

Before knowing what the fundamental skills and competencies are for a manager, it is interesting to think about what it means to be a successful manager.

Being a good manager involves achieving positive results, both for the team and for the organization as a whole, through the application of specific skills and competencies.

So, successful management is one that demonstrates excellence in leadership, inspiring and motivating your team to achieve high levels of performance. One who is able to establish a clear vision, set challenging goals and guide her team in the right direction.

Furthermore, a successful manager is ethical and acts with integrity in all his decisions and actions. He is an example of ethical conduct, respecting the organization’s norms and values, treating people fairly and maintaining high standards of behavior.

And it is so that all this can happen on a daily basis that the fundamental skills and abilities that we will explore together come into play.


What are the fundamental skills and competencies for the manager?

The fundamental skills and competencies for managers are sets of knowledge, qualities and behaviors necessary to lead teams effectively and achieve positive results. See below what are the fundamental skills and competencies for managers!

Capacidade de analisar e tomar decisões


1. Ability to analyze and make decisions

The ability to analyze and make decisions is a crucial skill for a manager. A successful manager is able to analyze relevant information, consider different perspectives, options and alternatives, weighing the pros and cons of each of them.

Proactivity will allow you to anticipate problems and opportunities, act preventively and take the initiative in search of positive results. This involves the ability to collect, analyze and interpret relevant information, such as data evaluation, cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment, to inform your decisions.

Therefore, with this skill you are able to make decisions more assertively, minimizing risks and maximizing opportunities. Furthermore, you will demonstrate confidence in your decisions and will be able to communicate them clearly and persuasively to your team, collaborators and other stakeholders.

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2. Capacidade de gerenciar conflitos

Um gestor eficaz é capaz de identificar conflitos, abordá-los de forma construtiva e buscar soluções que promovam a harmonia e a cooperação na equipe. Por isso, é importante que você desenvolva habilidades de mediação, escuta ativa e busca o equilíbrio entre os interesses das partes envolvidas.

Conflitos são inevitáveis em qualquer ambiente de trabalho, mas é fundamental evitar que eles se tornem problemas maiores, impactando negativamente a produtividade e o clima organizacional. Por isso, é necessário habilidade para lidar com os conflitos de forma rápida e eficaz, transformando os conflitos em oportunidades de crescimento e desenvolvimento, criando um ambiente de trabalho mais harmonioso, colaborativo, com relacionamentos fortalecidos e mais produtividade.


3. People management skills

People management skills are like the gears that make the team work in perfect harmony. It is knowing how to create a culture of feedback, where the exchange of ideas and joint construction are valued, providing an environment of continuous growth and learning. Furthermore, it is having the power to motivate the team, recognizing their efforts and encouraging each member to reach their maximum potential.

But it does not stop there! As a manager skilled in people management, you must know how to work as a team, understanding that success is built together, based on collaboration, respect and mutual trust. And to optimize results, it is necessary to delegate tasks intelligently, taking into account the individual skills of each member and ensuring a balance of responsibilities. After all, when the team is aligned, motivated and confident, the results are incredible. Top of the form

A survey carried out by Gartner revealed that in companies where there is a high level of trust between managers and employees, team engagement is up to 76% higher. Therefore, building a work environment with mutual trust is essential, not only to have a healthy environment, but also to promote the achievement of results. 


4. Determination and resilience

Being determined is having a purpose that drives you to achieve your goals, even in the face of obstacles and challenges. It’s about not letting yourself be defeated by adversity, but rather finding creative solutions and moving forward with strength and perseverance.

Resilience is like a protective shield that allows us to face difficult times without falling apart. It’s having the ability to adapt to changes, learn from experiences and grow from challenges.

A determined and resilient manager knows that not everything will be smooth sailing, but is willing to do his best to overcome challenges with confidence and keep his team motivated even in difficult times. These characteristics also convey an image of strong and inspiring leadership, positively influencing the work environment and organizational culture.

Therefore, determination and resilience should be your secret weapons!


5. Have emotional balance

Having emotional balance does not mean being emotionally distant or not expressing emotions. On the contrary, an emotionally balanced manager recognizes and expresses his emotions appropriately, but is able to manage them in a constructive and productive way.

So, when you have emotional balance you can effectively deal with the challenges, pressures and demands of the work environment. Has the ability to recognize, understand and manage one’s own emotions and reactions, as well as the emotions of others.

Therefore, as a successful manager you must know how to deal with your own emotions and also understand the emotions of others. Being able to maintain calm and mental clarity even in stressful or conflictive situations and not allowing negative emotions, such as anger, frustration or anxiety, to dominate your actions and decisions. Instead, maintain your composure and approach challenges objectively and rationally.

By having emotional balance, a manager is able to:

  • Make considered decisions;
  • Dealing with stress;
  • Maintain empathy;
  • Resolve conflicts constructively;
  • Maintain motivation and inspiration.


6. Have clear, effective and empathetic communication

Efficient communication involves conveying information in a concise, direct and understandable way. A manager with this skill is able to express their ideas and expectations clearly, avoiding ambiguities and misunderstandings. He uses simple and objective language, adapting his communication to the target audience, be it the team, superiors or other interested parties.

Furthermore, effective communication goes beyond the transmission of information. Therefore, you must also be a good listener, able to understand the needs, concerns and ideas of team members. This helps to create a welcoming and encouraging environment so that employees feel comfortable expressing their opinions, improving teamwork.

It is worth noting that empathy is a crucial component of effective communication. An empathetic manager puts himself in others’ shoes, seeking to understand the emotions and perspectives of team members. He recognizes different personalities and communication styles and adapts his approach to establish a genuine connection with employees. Empathy strengthens relationships and promotes a collaborative and motivating work environment.


7. Promote innovation and learning

Promoting innovation and learning is like opening the doors to a world of possibilities in the workplace. As a manager, you have the power to stimulate creativity, seek new ideas, value continuous learning, encourage team training and the search for innovative solutions to the challenges faced, and boost the growth of the team and the organization.

It’s about being a promoter of innovation and encouraging your team to think beyond limits, to question the status quo and to seek innovative solutions to everyday challenges. It means creating an environment where ideas are valued and where the fear of making mistakes does not inhibit the search for revolutionary solutions.

Recognizing the importance of adapting to changes and constantly seeking improvements and advances in the processes, products or services offered by the organization brings significant benefits to the organization, such as increased efficiency, the discovery of new business opportunities, improved quality and the ability to adapt to changes.


Should a good manager lead by example?

Yes, exercising leadership by example is an essential quality of a good manager. Being an exemplary leader means not only giving orders and delegating tasks, but also acting in accordance with the values and principles you want to see in your team. A manager who leads by example demonstrates integrity, ethics, commitment and responsibility in their daily actions.

By acting as a role model, you inspire and motivate your team to achieve high performance. Their behaviors and attitudes directly influence organizational culture, establishing a standard of conduct and clear expectations. When team members see their manager acting in a manner consistent with what he preaches, they feel more engaged and willing to follow his example.

Furthermore, leading by example involves taking responsibility for your own mistakes and being transparent about the decisions you make. This strengthens trust and mutual respect between the manager and his team, creating a more collaborative and productive work environment.

Como ser um gestor de sucesso

How to be a successful manager?

Now that you know what the fundamental skills and competencies are for managers, you need to put them into practice. To achieve this, it is very important to combine these skills and competencies with your personal characteristics.

Here are some tips to help you along the way:

Invest in self-development: Constantly seek to learn and improve your skills. Take courses, participate in training, read books and stay up to date on best management practices.

Develop leadership skills: Leadership is one of the main characteristics of a successful manager. Learn how to inspire, motivate and guide your team by establishing a clear vision, setting challenging goals and providing appropriate support and direction.

Improve your communication skills: Effective communication is essential for a manager. Learn to express yourself clearly and persuasively, listen actively and promote a culture of open and honest communication.

Promote a healthy work environment: Take care of the well-being of your team, promote a culture of respect, collaboration and recognition. Create an environment where people feel valued and motivated to contribute to the success of the organization.

Be ethical and have integrity: Make decisions based on ethical values, keep your word, be transparent and treat everyone with fairness and equity.

Be open to feedback and learning: Constantly seek feedback from your team and colleagues, be willing to learn from your mistakes and improve your skills.

Cultivate a healthy work-life balance: A successful manager understands the importance of taking care of themselves and finding a balance between their work and personal responsibilities. Prioritize your health, relationships and well-being.

Remember that becoming a successful manager is an ongoing process. Be willing to adapt, grow and learn over time.

How to maintain the fundamental skills and competencies of the manager?

As we have seen, being a successful manager goes beyond just occupying a leadership position. It’s about inspiring, motivating and guiding a team towards common goals. It’s about making wise decisions, managing conflict constructively and promoting a positive work environment. These fundamental skills and competencies for managers are acquired and developed through experiences, continuous learning and practice.

We can say that to be a successful manager, you need to have a determination that would make Rocky Balboa jealous! Because you will face obstacles, moments of pressure and situations in which you will need to lift the team and move forward with determination and resilience.

Self-knowledge is also fundamental for developing management skills. By knowing your own strengths, weaknesses and leadership style, you can adapt and work on your areas of improvement, seeking constant improvement.

Thiago Klein

Thiago Klein

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